Monday, October 17, 2011

October 17, 2011 Baptism Saturday

Looks like Kenneth and I will be baptising on the same day! :)

   I will be baptising Sam on Saturday and Elder Lindstrom will be baptising Jaqueline then on Sunday Elder Lindsrtom will confirm Sam and I will confrim Jaqueline. I will also most likely be my last sunday in Caerphilly :( ! Hopefully i am able to stay in Wales though because it such an awesome place!
   So the other night we decided to knock a few doors to try and invite people to a marvelous choir concert that we were having! We must of picked a street with an Elect of God on it or something because Satan put some pretty nasty people in our path! Everyone at the door was just incredibly rude and just kept attacking us! Then we met a whole group of Born Again Christians! They were the biggest Jerks ever we were just talking to them all friendly and they just came at us with Guns a blazing making fun of our beliefs and this and that. Boy did i want to bash the heck out of them and humble them to the earth but their hearts were not sufficiently softened. So after the Born again admitted to us that he was going to pray with all his heart that not one person would listen to us and that he will do his best to keep us here talking to him all night instead of preaching the gospel Elder Lindstrom told him he would have to stand at the Judgement bar of God and stand accountable for what he has done and then we walked away. It was pretty frustrating but you get used to those situations and do your best not to bash with them because i cant convince them and prove to them that what we teach is true all we can do as missionaries is do our best to help them feel the spirit and let it convert them! The spirit is a pretty cool thing!
    Missions = Happiness thats all i can say. It may not make any sense to you but if you experience it you would agree with me a mission is pure happiness and alot of work and worry but still pure happiness. Never been happier and never been stronger.

2 Corinthians 12:10
"  Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in necessities, in persecutions, in distresses for Christ’s sake: for when I am weak, then am I strong. "

Love Elder J Weihing


  1. Hi this is Sam just a quick note to say how great he was today. He really helped settle my nerves and made sure I was fully emerged by pushing me right down to the bottom (apparently my elbow was sicking out).
    I bet you are soooooo proud of him as I am so proud to know him and have him baptise me this morning. I'm also greatful that he and Elder Lindstrom knocked my door that day and have help me find the true gospel and helped me be able to open my heart to accept Jesus Christ and Heavenly father ino my heart and life.
    Also I want to thank you all for sharing him with the rest of us in the world (well Wales lol) with his strong testimony that he must have achieved through having such agreat loving family.
    Hope to see you when i visit for general conference in march/april.

    Samantha Carter

  2. It is so nice of you to post a comment on Jordan's blog. We are all so proud of Jordan and happy he could bring you so much joy. Please let us know if you come to Salt Lake for General Conference, we would love to meet you.
