Monday, February 6, 2012

January 23, 2012

hello everyone,

Training has been awesome! We have been working really hard! I think i
may need to tone it down a bit for my companion thought haha cause i
think he is gonna die. He was falling asleep the other day in the
middle of planning haha!

  He's cool though and we are working really hard to find new
investigators and we are seeing small miracles everyday. If you feel
the inspiration of the spirit throughout the day then you know your
doing something right!

   We have a lot of things to get done this p-day though so i wont
have time to tell you much else. Sorry i wish i could tell you guys
that i miss you and be telling the truth. Its ok I know you guys miss
me you dont need to show it with all the post that keeps flooding into
the post slot each day! haha Just Kidding! THank you for all that you
do! Take care of all my nieces and nephews and make sure they dont
become losers!

If you guys need me i'll be in England ok?

Love, ELder J Wizine ( rap for Weihing)

P.S. The Gospel is true! Read your scriptures, pray, and go to church.
( you know the routine) .........Amen

Saturday, January 21, 2012

January 19, 2012 - Como Esta's

hello family and significant others,

     Today has been the first working day of my son Elder Trimble
from california/stansbury park (toole). We are kicking some serioso (
spanish for serious) butt. We are preparing for battle this transfer
and are beginning to search out for the Elect of God who are prepared
to recieve the restored gospel.

     I would email more but it is a working day and i feel other
things may be more important.... like preaching the gospel with power
and authority! WE are going to go kick som butt bye! LOVe ya

January 3, 2012 - LOVE

Hello everyone,

 Well I didnt email you guys last week because i figured since i talked to you on skype there was no real point to email you the next. Mission life is good me and Elder Clark-Wills are waking up each day and kicking butt and taking names to put in the book of remembrance! It didnt rain on christmas to my disapointment but it is raing today! Sucks for you guys that you cant be on mission serving the Lord each day.... Oh wait you can! You just do it in different ways than me!
 I wish to issue a challenge today mostly because the holday season in England has been incredibly boring and i dont have much to tell you today. I want to challenge everyone who reads this letter to do one good dead for a complete stranger every day this week.

Email me and tell me how it goes

Mosiah 2:17
17 And behold, I tell you these things that ye may learn wisdom; that ye may learn that when ye are in the service of your fellow beings ye are only in the service of your God.
John 12:26
26 If any man serve me, let him follow me; and where I am, there shall also my servant be: if any man serve me, him will my Father honour.
Sorry i havent really sent any pictures in a while i'll try to remember to do that next time.

Love heals all wounds
Elder J Weihing

Friday, December 30, 2011

December 20, 2011 - Don't be a Spoiled Brat

       Well I dont have a lot of time left so all i am going to do is tell you that you better not be a spoiled brat this christmas and not give the Savior Jesus Christ a present this Christmas!
       Without him you would even be celebrating Christmas!

Isaiah 53:3 - 7
 "He is adespised and rejected of men; a man of bsorrows, and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from him; he was despised, and we cesteemed him not. 4 ¶Surely he hath aborne our bgriefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted. 5 But he was awounded for our btransgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his cstripes we are dhealed. 6 All we like asheep have gone bastray; we have turned every one to his cown way; and the Lord hath laid on him the diniquity of us all.  7 He was aoppressed, and he was bafflicted, yet he copened not his mouth: he is brought as a dlamb to the eslaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers is dumb, so he openeth not his mouth. "

D&C 18:11
"For, behold, the Lord your aRedeemer suffered bdeath in the flesh; wherefore he csuffered the dpain of all men, that all men might repent and ecome unto him."

To come unto Christ is to truely celebrate Christmas!

3 Nephi 17 :20 and 21

"he said unto them: Blessed are ye because of your faith. And anow behold, my joy is full.
 21 And when he had said these words, he awept,"

Your Faith is what brings the Savior Joy!

You guys should CHeck out the new video of the Nativity by the church. It is Awesome
It is called  A christmas Story 2011  IF your typed it in Youtube i think it will come up

December 12, 2011 - The Murderer

    Wolverhampton is a pretty good place. The Investigators are flowing like the salmon of capistrana! Elder Clark-Wills and I are Kicking some butt and taking some names everyday. Elder Clark-Wills is this 6'5 semi professional Boxing black man from London and he is woopin this white boy into shape! He has put me on a push-up and pull-up workout program so every day were pumping the fat off our own bodies! Or as KJ might say "Just wait until you see me next christmas"! I wish i could tell you people we are teaching and all that Jazz but the past couple of days of getting settled in have all been a complete blur and i cant tell you who half the people i saw were! The ward here loves Elder Clark-Wills so it sounds like we should be having a good Christmas. I'm trying to settle in with the people here but i dont think i'll ever get as settled in with the ward as i was in Caerphilly! One thing I can say is that i absolutly know without a shadow of a doubt that i am supposed to be serving in this Area. I know that my mission president received revelation that i am supposed to be here and i cant wait to fulfill my calling here!

     I recieved information this morning that I have exactly one year left on my mission. Which kinda of sucks cause thats not a lot of time to fulfill the rest of my calling! I'm going to make my year of lasts as effective as possible and even though Elder Clark-Wills is going home this transfer i am going to work him to death!

sorry i didnt send any pictures i will try and remember next week. The church is true but are you true to the church? hmmm? ya think about that one!

 Love Elder J. Weihing

December 8, 2011 - Wolverhampton

Hey Everyone

Sorry i dont have much time to write! So I got Transfered to a place Called Wolverhampton it is just outside of Birmingham. My comp's name is Elder Clark Wills, he is from London. The last couple days in Caerphilly were sad and it was hard to leave but i am sure that my new area will be great! I dont really have much else to say sorry but i should probably go get to work now but i will leave you with my Testimony.

God Lives! Jesus Christ Lives! When the Lord was on the Earth he healed the sick, he healed the broken hearted, he gave the blind sight; And even today the Lord heals the sick, he heals the broken hearted, and he gives the blind sight. The Greatest thing to me about the Resurrection isnt just the Fact that Jesus Christ overcame death; The Greatest thing to me is that because he overcame death he can heal my heart today! He knows each and everyone of us! You will know him if you ask; if you act. Jesus Christ beggs us to let him heal us ;We just need to come unto him; why wont you come unto him so he can heal you? 3 nephi 9:13 "will ye not now return unto me, and repent of your sins, and be converted, that I may heal you? "

Monday, November 28, 2011

November 28, 2011 - Welsh Thanksgiving & The P-Day Climb

Hello Family and Friends,

Well news has got around that my family emails have been kinda lame!( Maegan)! So I'm gonna try and spice this one up with many interesting facts and side notes to explain in detail my many swashbuckling experiences!
I had my first driving lesson The other day. I think that by law you basically have to take at least one driving lesson but anyways it was pretty weird not only driving a car again ( which i haven't done in 11 months now) but also driving on the left side of the road and also having the wheel be on the right side of the car. Plus all the signs here are completely different and they barely even have any traffic lights its mostly just roundabouts! It was definatly what you might call a swashbuckling experience and i think my companion in the back seat was a bit nervous probably cause i didn't act nervous at all and my instructor yelled at me at least five times for speeding! How was i supposed to know there are speed cameras on like every corner and that if you even go 2 miles per hour over the limit they will take your picture! Its alright we made it our of there alive and we'll even be doing round 2 on Thursday!
We decided to climb what they call a Mountain ( really a large hill ) and were disappointed to find that it was too foggy to see anything! They told us that from the top of the hill you can get a sweet view of the sea!
Last Friday was Cam's baptism so that's the picture of Elder Lindsrom and I with those two kids ( the Taylor Family). The Ward here is like my Family and it is really gonna suck to leave them!
We had a Thanksgiving at Avril and Leightons it was awesome that giant red thing that i am hold is what the Brits call a Christmas cracker. you hold one end and have the person next to you hold the other end and then you pull and it pops and out comes a present and a Joke! Ya i know British People of some weird traditions! So next week i probably wont be emailing until like Tuesday or Thursday because of transfers. Which i am like 98% sure i am getting transferred! I'll Probably have to serve in England as well!

OK so I realized this Email is kinda boring so i guess I'll tell you a story...............

So there we were! It was MId autumn day, the leaves were falling as they tend to do in autumn time except for British autumns last like 2 days until all the leaves are just gone! But anyways there we were! Just knocking some doors as missionaries tend to do! I,  being a Eagle Scout and always being prepared, was carrying a backpack ( rucksack in British) full of pamphlets about the plan of salvation and restoration.I like to hand out the pamphlets when we tract( knock doors). Well anyways there we were knocking doors! We start talking to this guy and to be honest i cant even remember what we talked about nor what he even looked like all i can remember is the whole time we were talking i kept receiving the prompting to give him a plan of salvation pamphlet. But me being a stubborn prideful man was using my own wisdom and based on what he was talking about decided that he needed to know about the restoration not the plan of salvation! so i reach into my backpack and find a restoration Pamphlet.       Pause!

Now at this point I absolutely knew without a shadow of a doubt that when i reached into that rucksack i grabbed a restoration pamphlet and i knew that what was in my hand and what i was giving him was a restoration pamphlet!
Now unpause  he says a couple more words and then i hand him the pamphlet! But the pamphlet that he received from me was a Plan of Salvation Pamphlet!! Not a RESTORATION! Ah man it was crazy! i almost pooped my pants after that!

Haha man I'm glad God helps me with this work haha cause i do some stupid things sometimes! God was gonna teach that guy the Plan of Salvation weather i liked it or not! haha no one can stop this work  not even the weak kids who preach it all across the world. Makes me feel better knowing as long as i do my best things work out! God is Real and that was a Miracle! Maybe if you guys are good and send me lots of letters this month I'll share and even cooler experience! 

Tara, Elder  J Weihing